Together with our bespoke software development services, we offer you flexible interaction and cooperation. Here we want to give you an overview of what this cooperation might look on a legal basis.
Our contract types
Service contract

- A service contract is an ideal contract type to facilitate the quick and straightforward realisation of software projects.
- It is a type of contract particularly well-suited to projects for which it may not be possible to chart the project’s progression and the required time and expense in advance.
- Previously agreed allotments of hours may serve to structure the volume of work to be rendered.
- A service contract is a common type of contract for the quick and straightforward realisation of complex software projects.
It is useful for projects for which it may not be possible to chart the project’s progression and the required time and expense in advance. In cases, too, where, due to time constraints or on cost grounds, the compilation of tender and performance specifications is not feasible, the service contract is very suitable. The time and the costs involved in the compilation of these documents should not be underestimated. In agile software development, as exemplified by an approach utilising the SCRUM framework, the requirements which would otherwise form the basis of the specifications document are identified and addressed in an agile, iterative way - that is to say, in a process of continuous, adaptive improvement accompanying the project all the way through to its completion.
In contrast to the contract for work, the service contract obliges the contractor to perform a specific amount of work without working towards a previously defined result. The contract for work, on the other hand, necessitates an exact delivery according to the customer’s specifications as customarily set down in a specifications document, closely conforming to it, and without any significant shortcomings. When using the service contract, working time will be accounted for and charged to the customer according to hourly rates or daily rates, with proof of activity. Previously agreed allotments of hours may serve to structure the volume of work to be rendered. We use a dedicated timekeeping and project management tool (Produra) for recording working time and documenting proof of activity. The service contract is generally not tied to a specific employee. Should it therefore be considered beneficial, due to a project’s changing qualification requirements, to exchange employees, the service contract will allow for this easily and effortlessly.
We offer you a range of options to avail yourself of our software engineering services: By using a contract for work, a service contract, or a service contract allowing for the leasing of personnel.
Contract for work and labour

- The contract for work is the most frequently used type of contract for our software engineering services.
- A contract for work contains an exact definition and description of the sought for piece of work.
- We offer you the option of jointly putting together the specifications.
- Frequently, the most suitable option is a combination of works and services contract.
A contract for work obliges the contractor (us, here at accellence) to produce a piece of work for the commissioning party (you, the customer). Once a certain result has been achieved by us, we, as contractor, in return receive the agreed remuneration for the completed work from you, the customer. (cf. §631, Abs.1 of the German Civil Code BGB).
A diligently drawn up contract for work has the benefit of providing you with planning security: It allows you to know with certitude which result to expect for what date. It does, however, mean that a phase of careful planning needs to precede the signing of the contract. It includes the potentially time-consuming and costly putting together of specifications, which in turn requires you to provide a sufficiently exact definition of the software system, from software architecture to prototype development to the software system’s specific functioning, potentially even its user interface design.
We can support you by drawing up a specifications document according to your requirements, utilising a service contract. Following on from this, a contract for work and labour would then form the basis of the project’s realisation as specified in the tender specifications document. This is a common approach. Its alternative would be a services contract, whose framework allows for the development of software on the basis of a continuous estimate of cost and effort.
We offer you a range options to avail yourself of our software engineering services: By using a contract for work, a service contract, or a service contract allowing for the leasing of personnel.
Service contract allowing for the leasing of personnel

- A service contract allowing for the lending of personnel grants our customer managerial authority.
- Additional official requirements need to be observed for this type of contract
- We possess a personnel leasing permit.
A service contract allowing for the lending of personnel differs from a conventional service contract in that it grants our customer direct managerial authority as regards our employee, the wish for such managerial authority usually being the principal reason for choosing this type of contract.
The lending of personnel is regulated by a set of official requirements, the compliance with which is regularly audited. This means that some preliminary administrative work on both sides is necessary for the conclusion of the contract. The lending of an employee can only ever be arranged as tied to that specific employee. Should the need for an exchange of employees arise, this will not be possible without further administrative effort. Companies lending out employees must have been authorised to do so. We have been granted such an personnel leasing permit by the Federal Labour Office in Kiel.
We offer you a range options to avail yourself of our software engineering services: BBy using a contract for work, a service contract, or a service contract allowing for the leasing of personnel.