We are a software developer and systems supplier. We would love for you to get to know us!
What do we stand for?
What matters to us?
What do we have to offer?
How can we best help you realise your projects and meet your goals?
Accellence Technologies GmbH is founded.
The company commences operations in Hanover with three staff members.
We establish ourselves as a software service provider with a staff of 10 based in Garbsen, taking up software development with a focus on video security technologies. We participate in the development of a trunked radio system intended for countrywide use.
We participate in the ‘Security Essen’ trade fair for the first time.
We are involved in developing a passenger information system for the subway system of a major metropolis.
We develop EBÜS, our unified image receiving system.
EBÜS launch.
We work for the automotive industry for the first time (test and software development).
We increase our staff to 20 employees.
We develop a bespoke video system for military training purposes according to our client’s specifications.
We are involved in multiple software development projects for a leading industrial manufacturing company (Siemens), utilising WinCC OA for the first time.
We start developing our video security system vimacc.
Accellence becomes SIMATIC WinCC OA Premium Solution Partner.
vimacc launch.
We move to the SICAN technology park.
vimacc OA, one of our vimacc editions, is now a SIMATIC WinCC OA OEM product.
First WinCC OA video projects, People Mover Oakland.
First WinCC OA software development projects in the railway technology industry.
The City of Munich makes use of vimacc.
We employ our WinCC OA proficiency to assist a leading biotechnology company in their software development.
vimacc is awarded its data security certificate.
Accellence is an early adopter in the SloopTools store.
Heathrow Airport makes use of vimacc.
Frank Christ becomes Managing Director of Accellence Technologies.
We increase our staff to 30 employees.
We are a software development company and systems supplier with a strong commitment to competence, performance, client orientation and reliability. Our clients can expect to benefit from our outstanding expertise, excellent technical support and strict adherence to schedules and delivery dates. We aim to meet our clients’ specific needs by offering them bespoke software solutions that are highly efficient, reliable, financially attractive and sustainable
- Competence
- Performance and efficiency
- Customer orientation
- Reliability

As one of the company’s singularly most important tenets, competence guides everything we do and best describes who we are and what we stand for. Outstanding competence enables us to provide our clients with the best possible advice and to devise solutions that meet their needs in every way. Our employees’ competence is of the utmost importance to the company as a whole, and each of our employees individually subscribes to the same ethos.

We offer our clients the benefits of more than twenty years of project experience and an outstanding level of technical expertise. Every project we realise adheres precisely to specifications, and is reliably delivered on time as well as within budget. The solutions we offer are characterised by their suitability to the specific conditions of use and are designed to be easy to operate and maintain. Outstanding quality, exemplary support, and a punctuality that shows in strict adherence to delivery dates – that is what we aspire to.

Our customers can expect:
- Attractive products and services
- Bespoke solutions responding to our clients’ specific needs
- Firm commitments, particularly as regards contractual obligations and delivering on time
- Swift reaction to clients’ requirements
- Fast and reliable support

The invariably fair and constructive approach we take in the interaction with our valued clients is the basis for dependable and sustainably successful business relations. We regard compliance, data security and quality assurance as crucial for maintaining and preserving our business relations. We pursue a sustainable business strategy on a sound financial basis.
WinCC OA Premium Solution Partner
Accellence is a certified WinCC OA Premium Solution Partner of the ETM professional control GmbH. For customers, this means that ETM provides WinCC OA as a state-of-the-art solution platform, while we at accellence apply our expertise as a solutions supplier for systems integration specialising in video and audio to develop customised applications and offer local support.
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 - Certified quality management system
The international DIN EN ISO 9001 standard defines the requirements to be met by a quality management system. It ensures that products and services meet the demands of customers and any official requirements and strives to enhance customer satisfaction.
BHE (Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik e. V.) - Federal Association for Security Technology
In its capacity as a technical software and systems developer as well as creator of audio and video systems products, accellence has been a member of the BHE for more than ten years. http://www.bhe.de/
Accellence has been awarded the IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT) trust seal ‘IT Security made in Germany’. The IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT) is a widespread competence network for IT security comprising members from industry, administration, consultancy and research as well as national and international partner organizations with similar objectives.